By buying an entry ticket you accept the terms and conditions of the preHistorisch Dorp. This document describes the rights and obligations of both the museum and the visitor. A copy of the terms and conditions is available at our reception.
The preHistorisch Dorp will do everything within reason to ensure that the visit to the museum and the exhibitions and activities organized by the museum run according to the visitor's wishes. The preHistorisch Dorp will make every effort to minimise any disruption or inconvenience to the visitor, and to guarantee the safety of the visitor as much as possible.
General provisions: definitions
Article 1.1
All parts belonging to the preHistorisch Dorp are referred to as 'the museum' in the rest of these conditions.
Article 1.2
'The museum' is understood to mean the organisation that manages and operates the museum complex, including, but not limited to, the management, curators, attendants, and other museum officials who are authorized to act on behalf of this organization.
Article 1.3
The 'museum complex' is understood to mean all spaces (built-up and unbuilt) that fall under the legal or management authority of the museum management, including, but not limited to, exhibition halls, auditoriums and meeting rooms, restaurant, coffee room, terrace, garden, park, other outdoor space, depot and annexes.
Article 1.4
'Visitor' is understood to mean anyone who concludes an agreement with the museum in any way, directly or indirectly, with the aim of entering the museum complex and/or visiting an exhibition or attending an activity organized by the museum for the regular visitor during regular opening hours.
Article 1.5
These general visitor conditions apply to every agreement between the museum and a visitor. Additional conditions apply to special activities outside regular opening hours and/or aimed at visitors other than the regular visitor, such as in the case of room rental, accommodation, catering, and the like.
Ticket sales, offers and prices
Article 2.1
All quotations, announcements or other information provided by the museum are not without obligation. The museum accepts liability for any errors made by the museum in quotations, communications or other information provided to visitors, unless it is clear that this is an error. This liability only applies to the own information material that is present within the museum at the time of the claim, or which has recently been distributed by or on behalf of the museum. The museum is not liable for errors attributable to intent, fault or negligence by third parties.
Article 2.2
The visitor is at all times obliged, upon request, to show the admission ticket to museum officials who are recognizable as such, including attendants, but not limited to them.
Article 2.3
The potential visitor is not entitled to a refund of the admission price or any other compensation in case of loss or theft of the admission ticket before entering the museum complex. If a potential visitor does not use the pre-purchased admission ticket, this is at the visitor's own expense and risk; this is also the case if the admission ticket is only valid for a specific time and/or date. An admission ticket once obtained cannot be exchanged. Nor will the admission price be refunded. The conditions also apply to admission tickets purchased through the museum's online ticket shop.
Article 2.4
Potential visitors can be denied access to the museum complex if it appears that the admission ticket, discount card or voucher has not been obtained from the museum or an authority authorized by the museum.
Article 2.5
The museum is entitled to adjust the opening hours published on its website, whether or not because of incidental emergency response exercises or, in the event of a real emergency, to a necessary total or partial evacuation of the museum complex or due to another reason. The opening hours are determined entirely at the discretion of the museum. An adjustment of the opening time does not entitle the visitor to a refund of any entrance fee paid.
Article 2.6
The museum determines the opening hours and publishes them on the website.
Article 2.7
Under no circumstances can discount promotions and/or promotional prices be combined. A maximum of one discount promotion and/or promotional price can apply to a good offered by the museum.
Stay at the museum complex
Article 3.1
During the stay in the museum complex, visitors must behave in accordance with public order, morality and the rules of decency applicable to the nature of the activity visited. Visitors are also obliged to immediately follow directions and instructions given by officials of the museum who are recognizable as such, including attendants, but not limited to them. If, in the reasonable opinion of an authorized official of the museum, who must be recognizable as such, the visitor acts in any way in violation of these standards, directions or instructions, the visitor may be denied further access to the museum complex, without the visitor having any right to reimbursement of the costs of the admission ticket or any other costs incurred.
Article 3.2
Parents or supervisors of children are at all times responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of the children they bring with them. Children under the age of 16 are only allowed to enter the museum complex accompanied by an adult. Teachers and group supervisors are responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of group members supervised by them.
Article 3.3
Visitors are forbidden, among other things, from the following in the museum complex:
a. to offer goods of any kind for sale or to provide them free of charge;
b. to provide guided tours. Guided tours of the museum are exclusively given by museum guides.
c. to intentionally and for a long time obstruct other visitors or obstruct the view of exhibited objects;
d. to hinder other visitors, including but not limited to, by causing noise nuisance from the use of mobile phones or other sources of noise nuisance;
e. to smoke in places other than the market square;
f. to eat food brought from home at the inn or on the terrace;
g. to bring, in the opinion of an official of the museum recognizable as such, dangerous objects or substances with them. These can be delivered at a location to be designated by the museum.
h. to ,ake open fire or move with fire. Fire is only made and maintained under the guidance of museum staff at designated fire places.
Article 3.4
In special cases where the general safety of persons or the collection reasonably requires this, a museum manager who can be identified as such may request inspection of the (hand) luggage carried by the visitor. In addition, if deemed necessary, specially trained personnel may request visitors to cooperate with a security search when entering or leaving the museum complex. Visitors must be identifiable. A visitor whose face is not visible and who refuses to show their face at the entrance control is denied access to the museum complex.
Article 3.5
Other than with prior written permission from the management of the museum, visitors are prohibited from taking photos, videos and film recordings using lamps, flash equipment and tripods.
Furthermore, it is prohibited, other than with the prior written permission of the management of the museum, to publish or multiply these photos, videos, and film recordings for commercial purposes, in whatever manner and by whatever medium, and including electronic media.
Article 3.6
The museum makes photos and film recordings in the museum complex for publicity purposes. By entering the museum complex, the visitor gives their explicit permission for the publication of such material on the website, in leaflets, or in any other way. If the visitor objects to the recognizable image, they can make this known to the museum. The museum will then make an effort to prevent a publication where they are recognisable in the picture.
Article 3.7
The museum may deny access to the museum complex for good or for a specific period of time to the visitor who, for one or more previous visits to a Dutch museum complex, has deliberately damaged an object, or otherwise justifies the fear of damage; the museum can in any case subject this visitor to the measures referred to in article 3.4 of these visitor conditions during all their visits. The decision to deny access must be announced immediately and motivated to this visitor, if possible in writing.
Article 3.8
For schools in primary or secondary education, at least one supervisor must be present per group of 7 students. The museum reserves the right to refuse admission to groups that do not meet these standards.
Article 3.9
In the event of very extremely bad weather conditions, announced by the police or KNMI, the Weather Alarm protocol of the museum comes into effect, whereby it can be decided to partially or completely evacuate the museum complex.
Article 4.1
The museum complex is housed in (among others) historical buildings with exhibitions and activities spread over various locations as well as outdoors. The museum is committed to achieving integral accessibility as much as possible. Both inside and outside the buildings, circumstances that affect personal accessibility must be taken into account. Individual circumstances and/or the weather conditions can have a significant influence on this.
Article 4.2
Visitors are advised to inform themselves of any restrictions with regard to personal accessibility. In particular, when entering the outdoor museum, the possible influence of weather conditions must be taken into account.
Article 4.3
When entering the museum complex, visitors are advised to familiarize themselves with the escape routes to be used in the event of an emergency or threat thereof. In the event of an emergency, the use of lifts is forbidden.
Article 4.4
Visitors are advised to contact the reception for information about the circumstances that may impose restrictions on personal accessibility and options for individual help.
Article 5.1
The museum will do everything possible to ensure that the visit to the museum complex or the exhibitions and activities organized by the museum run according to the published offer; this also includes the obligation to inform the public as correctly as possible about the complete, partial or early closure of the museum complex and/or exhibitions organized by the museum. The museum also informs the potential public about nuisance-causing maintenance work, alterations or the (re)design of spaces. The visitor can never derive a right to compensation from this.
Article 5.2
Refund of the price of the admission ticket is not possible with regard to the following complaints and circumstances that cannot be avoided by the museum, and therefore never lead to any obligation for the museum to pay compensation to the visitor:
a. complaints relating to the unavailability of objects from the museum's permanent collection;
b. complaints relating to the partial closure of the museum complex, including but not limited to partial closure as a result of the construction or dismantling of exhibitions;
c. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by other visitors, including, but not limited to, noise nuisance, inappropriate behaviour, theft and molestation;
d. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by maintenance work, including, but not limited to, a renovation or the (re)design of spaces;
e. complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by the malfunctioning of facilities in the museum complex.
Article 5.3
Complaints about and refund requests regarding the agreement between the museum and the visitor must reach the museum in writing or by e-mail within two weeks after the visit has taken place. Complaints and refund requests submitted after this period will not be handled. A complaint form is available at the reception of the museum.
Article 5.4
The museum investigates the complaint and answers it in writing, by e-mail or by phone within 7 days of receiving the complaint. If the investigation has not yet been completed, this will be communicated to the complainant, as well as the likely moment when this will be the case.
Article 5.5
The visitor can submit complaints, claims and suggestions for improvement in writing by filling in a form available at the reception of the museum.
Liability of the museum
Article 6.1
The museum is never liable for damage resulting from quotations, announcements or other forms of information provided to the visitor by the museum and/or third parties, except if and insofar as this damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence on the part of the museum and/or its employees.
Article 6.2
The visitor's stay in the museum complex is at his own expense and risk.
The museum is only liable for damage to property and/or consequential damage or damage caused to the visitor that is the direct and exclusive result of intent or gross negligence on the part of the museum, on the understanding that only that damage is eligible for compensation, against which the museum is insured, or should have been insured in accordance with reasonableness and fairness.
Article 6.3
Under no circumstances is the museum obliged to pay a higher amount of compensation than:
a. the actually paid admission price and actually incurred travel costs or, if that is more;
b. the amount paid by the museum's insurer to the museum in respect of the damage, or;
c. the compensation obtained in respect of the damage from another third party.
Article 6.4
The museum is never liable for damage caused to vehicles of the visitor.
Article 6.5
The museum is never liable for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever, arising as an (in)direct consequence of any defect, any capacity or circumstance to, in or on any real estate of which the museum is the holder, leaseholder, tenant or owner or which is otherwise available to the museum, except if and insofar as the damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence of the museum and/or its employees.
Article 6.6
If the museum receives goods or if goods are deposited, stored and/or left behind in any way by anyone, without the museum stipulating any compensation for this, the museum is never liable for damage to or in connection with goods in any way whatsoever unless the museum has deliberately caused damage, or the damage is the result of gross negligence on part of the museum.
Article 6.7
The total liability of the museum due to an attributable shortcoming in the fulfilment of the visit agreement is limited to compensation for direct damage and will in no case amount to more than the compensation scheme described under 6.3.
Article 6.8
In case of damage due to death or personal injury, the total liability of the museum will in no case exceed the compensation scheme described under 6.3.
Article 6.9
The museum's liability for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit or wages, missed savings, etc., is excluded.
Article 6.10
The maximum amounts referred to in Article 6.3 will lapse if and insofar as the damage is the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of the museum or one of its officers.
Force majeure
Article 7.1
Force majeure for the museum, which means that any shortcoming caused by it cannot be attributed to the museum, is any unforeseeable circumstance that makes the execution of the agreement by the museum difficult enough, either temporarily or permanently, that the execution of the agreement becomes impossible or objectionable.
Article 7.2
Such circumstances also include circumstances with persons and/or services and/or institutions that the museum uses when executing the visit agreement, as well as everything that applies to the aforementioned as force majeure or a suspensive or resolutive condition, as well as an attributable shortcoming of the aforementioned.
Found objects
Article 8.1
Objects found by visitors at the museum complex can be handed in at the museum reception.
Article 8.2
The museum will make every effort to trace the owner or entitled party of the found object. Lost property that has not been requested by the owner after six months in custody by the museum will no longer be preserved.
Article 8.3
In case the owner or entitled party of a found object reports themselves, they have the choice to collect the goods themselves or have them sent cash on delivery. In both cases, the owner or entitled party must identify themselves.
Other terms
Article 9.1
The applicability of these visitor conditions does not affect the possible applicability of other (contractual) conditions and/or regulations of the museum.
Applicable law
Article 10.1
Dutch law applies to these visitor conditions.
Article 10.2
All disputes arising from the agreement between the visitor and the museum will only be brought before a court that has jurisdiction in the district of East Brabant.
These terms and conditions for the museum were updated on 14 June 2024 and can be consulted on the museum's website.
In case of discrepancies between the original Dutch version of this document and the translated text, the original version prevails.