Opening hours

Opening hours

Opening hours preHistorisch Dorp

Open season 2025
The preHistorisch Dorp is open from 29 March up to and including 2 November 2025.

Opening hours museum and shop
Tuesday - Sunday from 10 AM - 5 PM. The museum is also open on Mondays* during school holidays in the southern region of the Netherlands.

The preHistorisch Dorp is easy to reach by car, bicycle or public transport. Check out your options here.

*Our museum is open on the following Mondays: April 21, April 28, June 9, July 7, July 14, July 21, July 28, August 4, August 11, October 13.


Opening hours preHistorisch Dorp

Is there something special about your day?

During our opening season, you can book parties or gatherings at the preHistorisch Dorp. 

  • Business offers
    Opt for a meeting, team building, staff party, drinks or dinner.
  • Group offers
    Go for a family outing, guided tour, group mystery or children’s party.
Is there something special about your day?

Opening hours inn Den Bonten Os

The inn is open during museum opening hours, so from 10 AM - 5 PM. Come and enjoy our delicious food and drinks at the medieval inn.

Opening hours Inn Den Bonten Os
Monday         10 AM until  5 PM*
                       *only during school holidays in Dutch southern region
Tuesday        10 AM until  5 PM
Wednesday  10 AM until  5 PM
Thursday       10 AM until  5 PM
Friday             10 AM until  5 PM
Saturday        10 AM until  5 PM
Sunday          10 AM until  5 PM

The inn

Opening hours inn Den Bonten Os