Group mystery

Group mystery

The Loki mystery

Are you a fan of the kind of puzzles you get in escape rooms? Then how about an escape museum? Join forces as a group to solve the Loki mystery at the preHistorisch Dorp. Quickly now, before it’s too late …
Loki, the god of chaos and lies, challenges you with six riddles. Solve them together and crack the cryptex code before closure!

  • Time: about 2.5 hours
  • Can be booked during regular opening hours, with the exception of special events
  • For adults, families, or teenagers (at least 1 adult per group)
  • More than one group can take on the challenge at the same time
  • Costs for the mystery: € 49.50 per group (up to 8 persons)
  • Museum entrance fee: € 12.50 per person, free with a Dutch Museumkaart
  • You can discover the rest of the museum by yourself before, after or while solving the mystery
The Loki mystery

Escape the past before it’s too late

Loki loves a bit of mystery, how about you? We have six mysterious riddles waiting for you at the preHistorisch Dorp. Each riddle you solve leads to a 3-digit code, with which you can open one of 6 boxes. Each box contains a symbol. If you put the symbols in the right order on the cryptex, you’ve risen to the challenge and can collect an award! If you don’t finish by 5 PM, however, you won’t return to modern times and will remain in Loki’s hands forever…

Escape the past before it’s too late

A full day of fun

Of course, you can roam around the museum at your leisure after you’ve finished. And we highly recommend doing so! You will get the most of your visit if you plan some free time before or after the mystery to explore the preHistorisch Dorp on your own.

Do you want to build up courage in advance or evaluate your experiences after the mystery? You can really complete your group outing at the inn Den Bonten Os. They have a delightful selection, from coffee with a slice of pie up to a beer and the typically Dutch snack ‘bitterballen’ and much more. Check out the menu and the possibilities.

More about the inn

These people preceded you...

We always love to hear how participants feel about the Loki mystery. Here’s a selection of the reactions we’ve gotten:

“A nice mix of difficult and easy.”

“It’s all super nicely designed and decorated!”
Group of friends

“Doing this together has made us closer.”
Students from a student association

Curious to find out what it’s like for yourself? Gather your friends and face the Loki Mystery together!

These people preceded you...

Book now

If you want to book the mystery for your group right now or have a question, call 0031 40 - 252 22 81 or send an email to Loki can’t wait…

Book now