Plan your visit
Prepare yourself for a journey through time. Find useful information regarding opening times, prices, and the route to our village. Plan your visit and get the most out of your day at the preHistorisch Dorp.
When will you come and discover?
The village gates are open from 29 March until 2 November 2025. We're open from Tuesday - Sunday, 10 AM - 5 PM. The villagers can't wait to see you!

Costs for a ticket back in time
Entrance will cost you 5.000 florins. Or € 13,50 for a day during the weekend or holiday, and € 11,50 for a schoolday.
Children up to 3 years old, Dutch Museumkaart holders and dogs enjoy free entry.
For special events like Vikingfest and the Middeleeuwse Jaarmarkt (annual medieval market), a surcharge will be applicable. Check out the event page for the current price.

How to get to the village
Mount your trusty steed and gallop to:
Boutenslaan 161B
5644 TV, Eindhoven
The preHistorisch Dorp is easily reachable by car, public transportation and by bicycle. Parking is free, it’s a few minutes’ walk from the parking lot to the museum..
What's there to do?
There is always something extraordinary to do at the preHistorisch Dorp. Chopping wood, throwing spears, baking bread, and many other historical activities. And do not forget to peek into the many houses where the villagers can tell you all about how life used to be in the past. And there is more…
Every day at the preHistorisch Dorp is special. But there are occasions when extraordinary things occur. Like weekends when hundreds of Vikings come to visit. Or when you can immerse yourself in the colourful history of the fashion we now wear every day. And do not miss the chance to taste the food and drink of the past.

The ArcheoFactory
In the middle of the museum you'll discover a modern lab: the ArcheoFactory. A place in the museum park where you can discover the past for yourself using the latest archaeological techniques. Choose an archaeological dig when you come in and delve into everything you can research about it. This way you will find out all about archaeology and how archaeologists go from an object to a story.
You can also visit the Archeokar to find out more about some special archaeological finds. Bonus: you can even touch some of them when accompanied by one of our inhabitants.

English-speaking visitors
Our signs, the audio tour, and the museum guide are all available in English and most of our time guides speak English.
- Do you have any questions during your visit? Ask our villagers!
- Do you have any questions regarding the preHistorisch Dorp? Please check our FAQ or ask us via info@prehistorischdorp.nl or by phone via +31 (0)40 - 252 22 81.